GS1 Innovation Insights

Au carrefour de l'innovation et de la standardisation, les professionnels sont invités à se réunir (virtuellement) pour discuter des potentiels et des pièges des technologies de demain. 

GS1 Innovation Insights est une session d'information inspirante récurrente mais unique de GS1 Belgium et Luxembourg.

Digital Product Passport

The journey towards a future-proof Digital Product Passport

Le 7 novembre nous organisons un Innovation Café sur "The journey towards a future-proof Digital Product Passport". Cette nouvelle réglementation offrira de nombreuses possibilités pour rendre les chaînes d'approvisionnement plus transparentes et prolongera le cycle de vie d'un produit. Accompagnez-nous dans ce voyage et prenez place à notre Innovation Café

Re-inventing re-use with RFID technology

Closing the loop of re-usable items with GS1 standards

Why not using RFID is such a waste? Come and get to know some use cases on how to make the process for returnable items efficient thanks to RFID technology and GS1 standards.

Driving digitalisation in Transport & Logistics with GS1 standards

Driving digitalisation in Transport & Logistics with GS1 standards

Le 6ème GS1 Innovation café portait sur la digitalisation du secteur du transport et de la logistique à l'aide des standards GS1. GS1 vise à soutenir ce processus grâce à, entre autres, l'e-CMR et les étiquettes logistiques.

GS1 Innovation Café

Future of EDI - November 30th 2021

Our 5th Innovation Café will be held on November 30th

"Is there still a future for old school EDI?" That's what we're asking our Belgian and international guest speakers. The topic for this edition is therefore transactional data exchange. We'll talk about the current cross-sectoral and cross-border standards. We'll also have a look at what advantages an international standard such as Peppol can bring your organization.

This time around, you can attend the GS1 Innovation Café either physically or virtually. More information will follow soon. 

Innovation Café

GS1 SMART-Box - April 27th 2021

Our 4th Innovation Café was held digitally on the 27th of April.

This time, the topic was the GS1 SMART-Box! This is an innovative and reusable transport box to increase efficiency and sustainability in logistic processes.  

During the Innovation Café, different players from the supply chain shared their insight on and experience with the GS1 SMART-Box. 

Innovation Café

Towards a circular economy for plastic packaging (past)

Sustainability has become a key driver for (profitable) business for consumers, regulators and trading partners alike.

GS1 is now stepping on board with companies rethinking and restructuring their operating models, proving that open and standardized data are key for delivering sustainable performance.

During this GS1 Innovation Café, which took place on November 24th 2020, we heard from regulators why sustainability is now high on the agenda. We also dove into the pioneer project HolyGrail 2.0. Led by AIM, this project includes over 90 participating companies such as P&G and GS1 in Europe.