GS1 Belgilux supports the wine and spirits industry

Starting December 8, 2023, wines and aromatized wines commercialised as from this date and sold in the European Union, independently of their origin, must display a nutrition declaration and a list of ingredients on their product labels. This can be done either via the printed bottle label or through an e-label.

More information about the regulation

How does this work?

By scanning a unique QR code, the consumer will be digitally directed to the required product information.

More information about the GS1 Digital Link

What information has to be mandatory on the label?






Nutritional declaration with energy values

aanvullende alcoholinfo

Additional alcohol information

no marketing

Exempt from marketing or sales information

no tracking

Exempt from tracking and collecting user data

How can GS1 help?

GS1 Belgilux has introduced a feature allowing the inclusion of a hyperlink to product information within My Product Manager.

This hyperlink can direct users to a webpage crafted by the producer or to a page within My Product Manager, leveraging the data available in the platform.

Download easily your QR code directly from My Product Manager.


Advantages working with GS1

✅ Product information comes straight from My Product Manager
✅ Unique entry point for all your product information
✅ Support of our experts for the creation of your e-label
✅ We are a non for profit organisation, we developed this solution to support the industry
✅ We facilitate the sharing of product information thanks to our standards and industry solutions


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