My recipient can’t see my products

You can use the following checklist to make sure that everything is correct:

  1. Do all the products have the status ‘Valid’ in ‘My Products’?
    • Yes: Go to step 2.
    • No: Open the product sheet and correct the errors or release the sheet.
  1. Have the products published in the ‘My publications’ tab been published to the correct target?
    • Yes: Go to step 3.
    • No: Publish your products. 
  1. Is the GDSN feedback in ‘My Products’ set to ‘Synchronized’ for the published product?
    • Yes: Contact our helpdesk.
    • No, I see REVIEW: The retailer has received it but it still contains errors or information is missing. Check the feedback and amend it in the relevant products.
    • No, I see EXCEPTION: Open the feedback and correct the information requested by GS1 GDSN. Then publish again.
    • No, the field is still empty 24 hours after publication: The message has not yet been delivered to the retailer. Please wait a little longer or republish in the ‘My publications’ tab.