Can I create or update product sheets via Excel?

In amongst other things, you can use an Excel export of your product sheets to:

  • Update your current data,
  • Create new items. The way to do so is to use the empty lines in the file, which you add to with new data.

Please note! Do not use an old export to then reload it afterwards. It may be that your export file is outdated in the meantime (e.g. because of changes to the data model brought on by a release), and which means it can no longer be read when you upload it again afterwards.

Downloading data

Option 1: From the “My products” tab

  1. In order to export 1 similar item as a template for new item,
  2. or a group of items after enabling a filter to bulk-adjust data.

Option 2: From the “My Actions” tab

Use this function if you have a specific list with GTINs you want to download for instance.

Adjusting data

In the downloaded Excel file, each column represents a field that was entered in your product sheet. Which is why it is important to have an accurate sheet by way of reference.

Use this as a basis to all information to put everything in order. This will allow you to stop error messages to do with wrong attributes, codes or values.

Good to know

Import from Excel and view the error report

Please note! For items that trigger error messages or warnings, there is no automatic release of the sheets. You need to use the error report to find out which errors you have over which items. You can then re-adjust them via Excel or directly in the interface.