General training


Audit programme - My Audits

Webinar/Virtual training
This training relates to the audit programme 'My Audits'. Here, you will learn what the audit programme is, as well as the roadmap and other relevant information.


Webinar/Virtual training

Category Management Masterclass 2025

Training @ GS1
GS1 Belgilux Office
Tue 11 February 2025
09:00 - 17:00
Category management is proven practice, embraced by basically all retailers. It provides the ideal platform for retailers and suppliers to jointly develop effective category plans.

Create your first FMCG product sheet (FOOD)

Webinar/Virtual training
This training is specifically for companies that want to create product sheets manually in the interface of My Product Manager for food products for Belgian and Luxembourgian data recipients. The purpose of this training is to give more information about the fields that have to be filled in.

Exchange commercial documents via EDI - Basic

My Training
After the course, you will know all about Electronic Data Interchange. GS1 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) allows your computer system to exchange transaction data with the computer systems of your trading partners. This can be commercial, logistical or financial data.

Identify product packaging uniquely with GTIN in barcode

Webinar/Virtual training
Thu 3 April 2025
09:00 - 11:00
This training mainly focuses on the use of identification keys and barcode standards for products sold in retail at the end of the chain. Of course, members from other sectors may also participate.

Implementing GS1 standards in the pharmaceutical sector

Webinar/Virtual training
Thu 13 March 2025
10:00 - 12:00
You will learn how to use GS1 standards to uniquely identify your medicines. Furthermore, it is explained how you can comply with the various national and international legislations. Other applications of GS1 standards within the healthcare sector are also covered, such as unique identification of patients and of premises within, for example, a hospital, but also the exchange of product information.

Medical Devices (UDI) and the GS1 standards

Webinar/Virtual training
You will learn how to use GS1 standards to uniquely identify medical devices and in vitro diagnostic (IVD) equipment and materials. You will also learn how to comply with different national and international legislation. Other applications of GS1 standards in the healthcare sector are also covered, such as the unique identification of patients and premises within a hospital, for example, but also the exchange of product information.

My Basic UDI-DI Manager, maintain and register your products in EUDAMED

Webinar/Virtual training
Thu 13 February 2025
13:00 - 13:45
In this info session we will go through the My UDI Manager platform.
We will explain how to maintain and register your Basic-UDI, UDI-DI and legacy devises in EUDAMED.

Next generation barcode - retailer session

Webinar/Virtual training
Get ready to scan the next generation barcodes at POS