My Training
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24/24 available on our e-learning platform
This training is divided into several short video clips and can be followed on the My Training platform
You can log in with your My GS1 credentials.
Previous knowledge: You do not need any specific previous knowledge.
After the training you know:
- what EDI means
- what the relationship is between the GS1 EDI standards and the other standards, solutions and applications of the GS1 system. For example: Identification keys such as GTIN and GLN, article master data, logistics label with SSCC that can also be mentioned in the electronic delivery note
- which ICT components are required to exchange EDI messages with each other
- which EDI standard languages are used within the sectors standardised by GS1?
- what EDI messages/electronic commercial documents are available in those languages?
- what are the various possible uses of EDI?
- what does the Order-to-Cash (O2C) application mean?
- what O2C manuals exist
- the potential benefits of EDI
- who can help with an EDI project
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