Expert Work Group Digital Product Passport

You will probably know: the ESPR (Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation) has been approved, which means that the Digital Product Passport is coming your way. To join forces and to pave a collaborative path towards the DPP implementation, GS1 Belgium & Luxembourg is organising a DPP Expert Work Group. This Work Group aims to provide an open forum at Belgilux level, in which all associations can share knowledge and give their input.

This working group is exclusively for associations.
The kick-off took place on the 25th of June.

 In this first meeting, we’covered this agenda:

  • Introduction of GS1
  • High-level framework of the ESPR and DPP in specific
  • How our standards could comply (with a focus identification of the product, and the capturing of the DPP with a ‘QR code powered by GS1’)