New rules for couponing as of 1 January 2024!

Too many data and poor-quality data quality are seen to pollute the My Coupon Manager solution, thereby blocking its wide-scale roll-out and the implementation of My Coupon Manager by new retailers.

Against this background, in the spring of 2023 GS1 Belgilux invited the various market players to get together as part of a series of meetings. The conclusions of the working group underscored the fact that it is perfectly realistic to have a very substantial positive impact on the quality as well as on the quantity of the data supplied to the retailers by establishing a few simple and flexible rules.

As a result, the joint and concerted decision was adopted to establish new rules which are set to take effect from 1 January 2024.

These new rules are:
  • A discount coupon (GCN) will no longer be able to be linked to more than 100 products (GTIN).
  • My Product Manager becomes the sole source to manage the link between the GCN and the GTIN.
  • A coupon will no longer be allowed to have a validity period of more than 12 months.
  • The shops will have just 1 month to send in their vouchers to HighCo DATA Benelux to be checked and to obtain reimbursement.
  • There will be just 2 types of special offers for a couponing campaign:
    • Promo type S1: Discount coupon to be tendered when purchasing one or several products.
    • Promo type S4: Coupon for one free product.

Read the full official communication 


Together with HighCo, we organised a webinar about the new rules of couponing. Did you miss it? Click the button below to watch the recording! 

Watch the webinar 


Limitation of number of products linked to a coupon

Limitation of the validity period

Limitation of the coupon type

Use of My Product Manager