Do I need to enter private label information?

Yes, upon request of your data recipient. Some guidelines:

  1. A private label item should be identified using the retailer’s GTIN. You are not supposed to generate your own GTIN with your prefix.
  2. Your My Product Manager Share profile needs a specific set-up. Contact your sector helpdesk to check if your settings are correct.

Special instructions per retailer

What information is expected? 
  • Complete product hierarchy (basic unit, outer carton and any intermediate packaging or pallet) 
  • Logistic and packaging information (B2B) 
  • No label information (B2C)*, you enter this via the Delhaize portal (Trace One) 

*Do you still receive validations to fill in label information? Then the brand holder GLN and/or name has not been entered (correctly)!  

  • Complete product hierarchy (basic unit, outer carton and any intermediate packaging or pallet) 
  • Logistic information and packaging information (B2B) 
  • Label information (B2C) 
  • Additional attributes specific for Colruyt Private Label** 

**View a detailed overview of the additional attributes that Colruyt asks you to fill in in My Product Manager.

How do I indicate that it is a private label product?

Contact Information Tab: 

  • Global Location Number (GLN) brand holder: 5400110000009 
  • Name of brand holder: Delhaize De Leeuw

Contact Information Tab: 

  • Global Location Number (GLN) brand holder: 5400141000009 
  • Name of brand holder: Colruyt Group 

Product descriptions tab: 

Brand: e.g. Everyday or Boni 

How to publish?

My Publications Tab: 

  • MPM targets: publish each level of your hierarchy to DELHAIZE Le Lion / De Leeuw (recipient) GLN 5400111000008 
  • GDSN targets: publish only the highest level of your hierarchy (e.g. pallet) to the GLN of Delhaize 5400110000009 

Do NOT publish publicly! 

My Publications Tab: 

  • MPM targets: publish each level of your hierarchy to Colruyt Group (recipient) GLN 5400142000008 
  • GDSN targets: publish only the highest level of your hierarchy (e.g. pallet) to the GLN of Colruyt Group 5400141000009

Do NOT publish publicly! 

Contact the sectoral helpdesk