I am a distributor, do I need to enter product sheets?

Your business partners (retailers, apps, hospitals, etc.) wish to receive the data directly from their direct supplier, in other words, as a distributor you too are required to enter the product sheets. 
You can load up the data of your suppliers in various ways, depending on whether or not they are to known in My Product Manager (check here). Our teams are on hand to help you find the best method. Contact your sectoral helpdesk in this regard.

Known in My Product Manager

  • You request a data recipient profile (which attracts a supplement) and obtain your product information by doing so. You can then transfer these data to your uploader profile. At all times, this gives you access to the latest up-to-date product information.
  • You ask your producer to provide you with an Excel export. You can import this back in again later on.

Not known in My Product Manager yet

  • You enter the sheets in My Product Manager yourself.
  • You can send your supplier a My Product Manager template Excel for them to add to. Contact your sectoral helpdesk in this regard.

Contact the sectoral helpdesk