The Global Coupon Number (GCN) that uniquely identifies the coupon worldwide is coded in a barcode, so that it can be automatically recognised at checkout. The discount value is also coded in the same barcode.
The barcode type used is the GS1 DataBar. Depending on the space available on the coupon, a GS1 DataBar Expanded or GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked can be chosen.
How do you create the barcode?
Some graphic designers and coupon printers are able to create the correct barcode based on the GCN by themselves.
If this is not the case, there are two options:
- since July 2024, it's been possible to generate GS1 DataBar Expanded directly in My Coupon Manager;
- many free tools are available online. A simple Internet search for ‘free GS1 DataBar code generator’ will give you several options.