Global Returnable Asset Identifier (GRAI)

Uniquely identify reusable carriers with a GRAI 

A Global Returnable Asset Identifier (GRAI) is used to uniquely and unambiguously identify reusable product carriers. Palettes, crates and barrels are examples of reusable carriers. A GRAI is assigned by the owner of the carrier. 

Structure of a GRAI 

GS1 Company Prefix  Asset No Check digit  Serial number
54 M1M2M3M4M5 A1A2A3A4A5 C X1...X16
54 M1M2M3M4M5M6 A1A2A3A4 C X1...X16
54 M1M2M3M4M5M6M7 A1A2A3 C X1...X16
54 M1M2M3M4M5M6M7M8 A1A2 C X1...X16

Consult the GS1 Benelux RTI list for an overview of all types of logistics carriers and the GRAIs that the owners of the carriers have already assigned. 

Dutch and Belgian/Luxembourgish suppliers and retailers from various sectors have the opportunity to uniquely name their logistics carrier in their EDI messages (ORDERS, DESADV or INVOIC). 


Adding a logistics carrier to the RTI list 

Want to add a type of logistics carrier with its associated GRAI to the RTI list? Contact us stating the following details: 

  • Description of the product carrier: relevant information about colour, material, weight, LxBxH dimensions in mm, etc. 
  • Assigned GRAI (or GTIN entered as GRAI in EDI) 
  • Official owner: person or company who authorises the inclusion of the RTI as a GRAI in EDI messages 
  • Technical specifications 

GS1 Nederland and GS1 Belgilux will regularly update and publish the list. That way you will always find the most recent version on this website.