Exchanging product data in the healthcare sector

In the health sector, My Product Manager is used for exchanging product data.

My Product Manager is linked to the Global Data Synchronisation Network (GS1 GDSN). This allows companies using this network worldwide to exchange product information with each other in a standardised manner. 

We also monitor the data quality: the content of the product sheet must be complete and correct.


How does it work?

On the basis of a standardised product sheet, all parties can exchange product data with each other via our systems.
Suppliers can enter product information in My Product Share.
Hospitals, wholesalers and also developers of software for specific purposes can obtain product information in a standardised manner via My Product Manager Share.

You can also enter product information as a manufacturer in My Product Manager Share.

As a manufacturer, you're faced with an avalanche of requirements from different countries to deliver product information with different regulations, languages and business needs. You can upload the product information and easily publish it to the various buyers.

Specifically to: 

  • Hospitals
  • EUDAMED (to meet the requirements of the Regulation on medical devices) thanks to My Basic UDI-DI Manager
  • U.S. FDA (to comply with UDI legislation)
  • U.K. NHS (to comply with the requirements of the NHS) 
  • NL LIR (for registration of implants in the National Implant Register)

The ECHO initiative (Extending the Collaboration of Healthcare Organisations) focuses on harmonising market strategies and data requirements across borders in order to maximise the benefits of using GS1 GDSN, the global standard for data exchange.


Upload product data with My Product Manager/GS1 GDSN

How can I upload data to My Product Manager? 

Download product data with My Product Manager/GS1 GDSN

How can I retreive product data in My Product Manager ? 

Who uses My Product Manager

Which are data suppliers and recipients in My Product Manager?

Which companies are active on the GS1 GDSN?

Quality product information

How does GS1 check the quality of product data?

How are you able to see the quality of your product sheets?

Rates and subscriptions

How much does a My Product Manager subscription cost?

How do I access the platform?


You'll find here all available documentation

Update ECHO data model

What are the latest updates on the ECHO data model?