Getting Started What is My Product ManagerStart entering dataHow do I start creating a product sheet?Can I outsource the creation of my product sheets?I am a distributor, do I need to enter product sheets?Do I need to enter private label information?How do I know which data to enter in my product sheet?How do you find a field in a product sheet?Can I create or update product sheets via Excel?What do the product statuses in the ‘My products’ tab mean?User managementI want to cancel my subscription on My Product Manager Share Instructions for entering data What is a hierarchy?Product imagesGlobal Product Classification (GPC)How do you measure itemsHow do I enter products with variable weight?Taxes and excise dutiesPackaging informationSingle Use Plastics (SUP)Pallet informationHazardous substancesEco-scoreBiological productsBulk products Publishing data How can my customers see my product sheets?Difference MPM/GDSN targetsWhat is GDSN feedback?My recipient can't see my productsRepublish, depublish, stop, or delete product sheetsPublishing abroad Data quality How does it work?Automatic system checksHow can I resolve my error messages?What is the simulation report?Get your data captured in 3 stepsGet your data checked (My Audits) in 5 stepsWhat data is controlled/captured?Frequently asked questions on the audit programmeWebinar Data model and releases GS1 Benelux data model and validation rules for FMCG & FoodserviceRequest modifications for FMCG & FoodserviceManual explanation of data model FMCG & FoodserviceGS1 Benelux data model and validation rules for do-it-yourself, garden and petRequest modifications for do-it-yourself, garden and petGS1 Benelux data model and validation rules for healthcare Other roles Via another GS1 GDSN datapoolManual interfaceMachine-to-machineManual interfaceAPI External-contract.jsonOpen API SpecificationData recipientManual interfaceData quality suppliersAudit results suppliers Codelists FMCG & FoodserviceCodes for IntrastatCodes for packaging(RTI)Codes international quality marksCodes for packaging typesCodelist taxesCodelists logos foodDo-it-yourself, garden and petData model